Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Changing Your Name

We're in the process of re-examining our brands at my company. We essentially have a holding company that then owns 3 other businesses and we're trying to decide if one of them is really worthwhile, or if we should merge it into another one.

It's a hard decision.

After all, we like our brands and the names. People have gotten to know us, I've passed out numerous stickers for laptops, included the logos in my writings and on web sites, they're fairly well known.

But well known enough? And enough to prevent confusion of the different entities? That's the question.

We're debating it, and it's not something that we've easily been able to decide, but in the end we decided that having two brands for two sides of the same thing isn't the way to go. So we'll change the names, announce it in our publications and move forward, hoping for the best.

We have decided to keep the old brands around. In some cases that means each different name points to the same content, which could be good or bad, but it will allow us to refer people to the new name somehow.

Just not sure how yet.

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